The Most Worthy Grand Supreme Ruler has been pleased to invite the following members of the Province  an appointment or promotion in Grand Rank these honours will be conferred at the meeting of Grand Conclave on Thursday 9th November 2023.

The Right Worthy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler extends congratulations to them all on behalf of the members of the Province.

V.Wy. Bro. Paul Gareth Bowen P.G.V.; G.Org; P.Pr.G.G; Prov.G.Org.

reappointed as Grand Organist

Wy. Bro. James Wood,  P.A.G.D.C; P.Prov.G.Coun.

promoted to P.G.V.

hence becoming V.Wy.Bro.

Wy. Bro. Jack Acton P.G.Stwd.; G.Org; Prov.G.Reg.

promoted to P.A.G.D.C.

Wy. Bro. Ian Stuart Wilkinson, P.G.St.B. Prov.G.Coun.

promoted to P.A.G.D.C.

Wy. Bro. David Sunderland P.Pr.G.Swd.B.

appointed to P.G.B.B.

Wy. Bro. Mark George Jacobs P.Pr.G.Reg.

appointed to P.G.B.B.

Wy. Bro. Dennis Schiff, P.G.B.B.; P.Prov.G.St.B.

promoted to P.G.Swd.B. courtesy of the Province of East Lancashire.

Those named in red are also members of the Ancient & Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord.

Terms & Conditions

The Provincial Grand Conclave of West Yorkshire

In the Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David & Jonathan